
Achieve new skills in your language learning guided by online tutors with real-life experience!

How it all works

Easier and more convenient than attending an academy.


Create an account

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Choose the course & Place the order.

Select your course and pay securely.


Start the journey

Begin your learning today!

Expert Tutors

Learn from language enthusiasts who teach practical, real-life skills.

Six months of access

Enjoy six months of unlimited access to course materials and resources.

Affordable Prices​

High-quality education without straining your budget with our competitively priced courses.

Why us

Learn a new language online anywhere, anytime!

Discover languages with dedicated experts and learn flexibly from anywhere.

Master Languages with Confidence

Learn from skilled tutors who provide practical conversational skills.

Perfect Pronunciation

Refine your pronunciation with expert guidance and practice.

Flexible Learning: Anytime, Anywhere

Access our online courses, which are perfectly adapted to your schedule and independent of your geographical location.

About us

“We prepare you to reach your goals guided by tutors who are also learners of another language like you”.

We are Fluencix, where language mastery begins. Established in 2024 in the UAE, we specialize in offer courses that tackle real-life language challenges. Learn with confidence as we empower you to conquer pronunciation and fluency with expert guidance tailored to your success.

Fluencix.com is a trademark of Digimastery Marketing Consultancies – FZCO

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